
momma update

I've lost interest (again!) in blogging for the past couple of months. It isn't an unusual scenario though as I am always prone to disinterest especially when it isn't my forte. But anyway I'm back (hahaha, can't even remember how many times I've said this in my past posts).

Here's a rundown of what went on my life as a momma for the last couple of months (will be posting more about each when I get the chance and when I'm in a mood.hehehe):

* cloth diapering momma - Von M is on exclusive CDing for 4.5 months now with 50+ CDs.

* network marketing momma - I am now a USANA associate. True Health, True Wealth!

* breastfeeding momma- I've been reading quite a lot about breastfeeding and I am more than ever determined to exclusively breastfeed  my Von M.

* momtrepreneur - re-launched my online shop bcee bee but now carries baby and mommy items. I sell cloth diapers, bibs, socks, walking assistant, human nature and usana products and other items. Visit us at:
facebook - http://www.facebook.com/bceebee
multiply - http://bceebee.multiply.com

* babywearing momma

 * happy momma - J is back. for good. He just resigned from his work abroad to be with me and Von M.

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